Story by: Sara Thompson on December 20, 2022
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful, sometimes debilitating condition that can make everyday activities unbearable. The good news is that carpal tunnel pain can be treated without surgery, as long as it is treated early, before symptoms become severe.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the nerves of the palm and wrist. The space the nerves run through, between the bones and ligaments of the hand, is called the carpal tunnel. Compression of the tunnel results in tingling, numbness and weakness in the hand and wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by the natural shape of the wrist and hand, or by repetitive motion. If symptoms are discovered early and treated quickly, surgery is not typically needed to restore normal feeling and use of the affected area.
The arm and hand surgeons at Norton Louisville Arm & Hand have broad expertise that ranges from treating ailments like carpal tunnel and trigger finger to more complex procedures such as reattachment microsurgery.
“There are many options for people with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms,” said Amit Gupta, M.D., hand surgeon with Norton Louisville Arm & Hand. “It depends on the cause.”
Some ways to address carpal tunnel without surgery include:
Sometimes, patients require a steroid injection.
See a health care provider to learn what is the best treatment for your carpal tunnel syndrome.
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